Trout Lake Little League has established a conflict policy to address any issues or conflicts that may arise within the league, whether on or off the field. When you encounter an issue or conflict, please adhere to this policy and follow the steps outlined below.
General Conflict Rules:
- Where an issue or conflict relates to a particular incident, please use the “24-hour rule” and refrain from initiating the steps outlined below for a 24-hour period, unless it is a safety concern. If, following that 24-hour period, you continue to wish to raise the incident then initiate the steps below.
- Where possible, discussions should be face to face, or failing that by telephone. Emails are also acceptable. Text messages or instant messages are not generally appropriate mediums in which to discuss a resolution to an issue or conflict. All communications must be respectful.
- Where the steps below involve discussions, those discussions must take place away from any children and any adults who are not participating in the discussions. If the discussions involve the participation of a child, that child’s parent(s) must be present.
Stepped Conflict Process:
Step 1: Address the issue or conflict with your Coach or the designated Coordinator of your division.
Step 2: If the issue is not dealt with to your satisfaction, and involves a player, please address your concerns to the Player Agent. If the issue involves a coach, please address your concerns to the Head Coach. If the issue involves an ump, please address your concerns to the Ump Coordinator. Depending on the nature of the issue, the Player Agent and/or Head Coach and/or Ump Coordinator will discuss the issue with all impacted parties in an effort to come to a reasonable agreed to resolution.
Step 3: If a resolution with the impacted parties cannot be reached, the Conflict Committee of the Board comprised of the President, and the Vice President and Player Agent will be consulted and appropriate action and resolution will be determined.
Once a resolution is established, it is the responsibility of each impacted party to engage respectfully and abide by that resolution.
If, after having been given a reasonable opportunity to comply with an established resoution, a party fails to do so, the issue may be raised with the Board of Directors who will determine the next course of action.